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How do I have an adult child removed from my home?

When there's no lease with the tenant it's considered a month to month basis. You would have to still give them an eviction notice. It MUST be on a government eviction notice for it to be legal. The reason for the eviction. You were helping them out, It was supposed to be temporary. You've always been on your own, never had any intentions of being a LL. Contact the Landlord Tenant Board(LTB) for where you live. They will tell you what you need to do. You can also do a Google search for free lawyers. Call a couple of them and see what they tell you how you should proceed. Lawyers do this in hopes of picking up new clients. You can also do a Google search for lawyers who don't charge unless you win. Document everything with date/time of everything from the date she moved in. Any confrontations, especially what the discussion was when she moved in, the length of time. Write it best you can word for word. If there is any damages they have caused, take photos. Should you go to LTB for a hearing or court make 3 copies. One for the judge, the person who's living with you and yourself. Have it organized in date order. This makes it easy to find things when going to court for when a judge asks to see something. If she hasn't been paying rent you can ask for compensation. We had hearings before a LTB judge last year withour LL. I had a small binder of evidence for the judge. I had even made an index to make it easier to find info that was requested. Judges don't have time to ruffle through a bunch of papers or wait till you find the info there looking for. The judge was impressed at how organized I had everything. This helped also the judge believe why we were there. The LL came very unprepared, he only brought 3 pieces of paper and thought it was going to be a slam dunk for him. In the end the judge didn't believe a word the LL said. The LL lost big time, he definitely regretted pulling the stunts he did, it cost him a lot for his own stupidity. . I won't lie, it is a lot of work. When you win at the end its bery gratifying and you'll think it was all worth it.

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